
SPR条件 and 条件: New Company Registration

存托信托公司(“直接转矩”)为发行人提供证券头寸报告服务, 受托人, 或作为必须由发行人正式授权的第三方代表其接收此信息. 直接转矩 provides this website and all services to be accessed at this website to you, either as a corporation or other legal entity, subject to the following terms and conditions contained in these 条款 of Use.

1. Disclaimer of Warranty

您承认并同意,您使用本网站和安全状况报告服务的风险由您自行承担. The website is provided by 直接转矩 (or by third parties on 直接转矩's behalf) on an "as is", "as available" basis and 直接转矩 does not make any, and hereby specifically disclaims any, 表示, endorsements or warranties, 明示或暗示, by 直接转矩 regarding the website and the Security Position Report service, their respective contents or functionality, 包括, 但不限于, any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, arising from course of dealing or course of performance, 以及不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权或其他权利的任何保证或其他保证, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, 直接转矩不保证本网站提供的信息的准确性,也不保证使用本网站或通过本网站获得的信息所获得的结果. 网站的管理和运行以及安全状况报告服务可能不会没有错误或不间断.

2. Limitation of Liability

You agree that under no circumstances shall 直接转矩 be liable for direct, 间接, 偶然的, 重要的, 特殊的, 惩罚性, or exemplary 损害s (collectively, “损失”), 因使用或无法使用本网站或安全状况报告服务而引起的, 包括, 但不限于, 损害赔偿如下, 但不限于, 损失 of revenue or anticipated profits or lost business, any failure of performance, 错误, 遗漏, accuracy or completeness of information on the website, 拒绝服务, 中断, 缺陷, delay in operation or transmission, 计算机病毒, communication line failure or third party theft of, 的破坏, unauthorized access to, 蚀变的, or use of your information, even if 直接转矩 has been advised of the possibility of or could have foreseen such 损害s. 您明确承认并同意,直接转矩对所提供的行为和信息不承担任何责任.

The foregoing shall apply regardless of: (I) negligence of 直接转矩 or any party acting on 直接转矩's behalf; (II) any failure of an essential purpose; and (III) whether such 损害s are based on claims of negligence, 严格责任, 合同, 侵权行为, or any other theory of legal 责任. 在那些不允许排除或限制此类损害赔偿责任的司法管辖区, 直接转矩's 责任 is limited to the fullest possible extent permitted by law, and in those states that for any reason disallow the above limitation on direct 损害s, 在任何情况下,直接转矩对贵方的累计直接责任不得超过一百美元。.

直接转矩 is not in any way responsible for any information, vnsr威尼斯城官网登入, 或通过本网站链接(现在或将来)的其他网站(如有)访问的服务, and 直接转矩 shall have no 责任 of any nature whatsoever in relation to any of the foregoing.

3. Modifications to 条款 of Use

You understand and agree that 直接转矩 may modify, amend or supplement these 条款 of Use from time to time, 您有责任随时了解当前有效的条款和条件, and 直接转矩 shall have no obligation or duty to draw to your attention any modification, amendment or supplement hereto.

4. Responsibility of Issuer

发行人授权其代理人根据需要请求并从直接转矩接收证券头寸报告,并且发行人应负责代理人根据提出证券头寸报告请求时有效的现行定价表使用证券头寸报告服务而产生的所有费用(见定价). 发行人应通过更新其发行的代理授权清单通知直接转矩终止对任何代理的授权. In the absence of such notice of termination, 开证人应使直接转矩免于承担向代理人发布证券头寸报告的任何责任. Issuer indemnifies and holds 直接转矩 harmless from and against any claim, 行动, 责任, 损失, 受伤, 损害, 成本, 以及因代理使用或滥用安全位置报告数据和服务而导致的或与之相关的直接转矩费用.

所有订阅请求的最低期限为一年,没有按比例收费的基础. 发行人或受托人必须每年续订认购,并将根据续订当日有效的定价表收取费用. 所有特殊或一次性报告请求将根据提出请求时有效的定价表按订购方式收费. 未按直接转矩帐单缴付保安职位报告服务,将导致服务暂停.

5. Responsibility of Company Coordinator

发行人指定的公司协调员负责公司信息的准确性和更新,这些信息已在公司简介中登记并包含在其发行中. 持续更新这些信息(包括但不限于公司名称和地址)以及授权第三方安全职位报告代理访问其问题是公司协调员的唯一责任。. 直接转矩不对安全头寸报告中包含的公司信息的不准确性负责,直接转矩也不对公司协调员授权的第三方代理所进行的活动负责。. By authorizing a third party Agent for Security Position Report access to their issue(s), 公司协调员向直接转矩表明,该代理有权要求提供有关其问题的信息,并应赔偿直接转矩,使其免受该代理的任何滥用.

6. 保密

Other than as may be required by any applicable law, government order or regulation, or by order of any court of any competent jurisdiction, Issuer and/or Agent (the "Parties") shall not publicly divulge or announce, or in any manner disclose to any third party, any information or matters revealed pursuant hereto. If such disclosure is required by law, regulation or judicial order the Parties may disclose Confidential Information, provided that the Parties provide prompt written notice of such law, 向直接转矩发出法规或司法命令,使直接转矩能够寻求保护令或以其他方式防止机密信息的披露.

Not withstanding the foregoing, 双方可允许其员工访问和使用安全岗位报告数据和服务, 承包商 and agents; provided, 然而, 双方同意:(a)双方仅向负责的员工提供安全岗位报告数据, 承包商, and agents of the Parties on a need to receive or know the data and who are bound by confidentiality obligations at least as restrictive as those contained herein; (b) the Parties will strictly prohibit access to the service and the Security Position Report data, 以及传播, 再分配, 向或由双方授权以外的任何人复制和下载任何安全头寸报告数据.

Do you agree to the terms and conditions outlined above?
