
存 Executives Recognized With 2022 Women in Finance Awards

By 存管连接 Staff | 2 minute read | December 7, 2022

巴里沃尔夫, 存 Managing Director, 监管的关系, 和安德烈·吉本斯, 存 Managing Director, 人力vns6060威尼斯城官网, won the categories Excellence in Regulation and Excellence in 人力vns6060威尼斯城官网 respectively, at Market’s Media Group’s 2022 U.S. Women in Finance Awards.

Excellence in Regulation
During her 11 years career with 存, Wolfe has led the organization’s engagement with regulators around the world through her close work with key stakeholders and various regulatory agencies, including those that regulate 存 entities, 其他人也一样.

Wolfe joined 存 at a time of major change in the industry with the goal of bringing increased transparency and proactive dialogue with regulators on topical issues of importance to 存 and the industry. Shortly after joining 存, she led the firm’s regulatory relations responsibilities through the implementation of Dodd Frank so that the organization was well positioned to navigate the complex regulatory environment across 存’s regulated entities, including those designated systemically important. Her efforts coming out of the ’08 crisis created a solid foundation for many regulatory relations team achievements to come, including helping to position 存 for the successful implementation of T+1 and promoting discussion and transparency as 存 expands its central clearing capabilities.

“It is a great honor to receive this award, but I do not receive it alone,” Wolfe said. “This award belongs to the entire 存 监管的关系 team who, 在一起, have helped 存 achieve its goals to support the advancement of a more transparent, secure and resilient financial services industry.”

Excellence in 人力vns6060威尼斯城官网
Gibbons joined 存 in 2014 as part of the firm’s acquisition of Omgeo and led the challenging task to successfully integrate Omgeo into 存.

More recently, Gibbons has been pivotal in helping 存 navigate HR challenges. In today’s competitive hiring market, in which all companies are striving to attract and retain top talent, Gibbons partnered with others across HR to design a human capital strategy that includes and employee value proposition across four pillars: Community, 增长, Our Ways of Working and Wellbeing. The strategy is entirely underpinned through the lens of 多样性 & 包含(D&I), with a focus on supporting women and diverse team members. This strategy is a key component of the 存 corporate goals.

安德里亚, alongside 存’s team of dedicated HR employees, has also been at the forefront of designing customized, innovative HR programs and practices for 存 employees.

“I am honored and humbled to receive this award,” Gibbons said. “But I would not be standing here if it weren’t for the talented HR team at 存 who innovate and find new ways to address challenging situations every day.”

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