
Advancing Alternatives Through Industry 合作伙伴hip

By 存管连接 Staff | 3 minute read | August 26, 2022

过去十年存的 另类投资vnsr威尼斯城官网登入(航) platform has been modernizing the alternatives industry by providing a centralized, 加工通用标准, reporting and settling transactions across pre-trade, 贸易和贸易后. 的 航 team has continuously engaged with industry organizations by serving on committees, participating in regular discussions and assisting with development of frameworks to create industry-wide impact.

Related: 存 named to Forbes Blockchain 50 for fourth straight year

Learn more about the extensive industry engagement that 存’s 航 team participates in:

Institute for Portfolio Alternatives (异丙醇) Operations

异丙醇 is a leading trade organization that provides national leadership for the portfolio diversifying investments (PDI) industry and is dedicated to driving the industry forward through education, 创新, 和透明度. Some of the ways 异丙醇 advances the industry are through actively engaging in industry advocacy through the legislative and rulemaking process as well as hosting knowledge and networking events for 异丙醇’s member companies spanning asset managers, distribution partners and industry participants.

贾斯汀•施瓦兹, 存执行董事, Product Management 财富管理服务, 航, 目前在异丙醇技术公司任职, Innovation and Operations Committee where the group discusses industry issues and helps create solutions. Many of 航’s clients participate in 异丙醇 committee meeting calls – which often include 航 updates– and in-person events. 的 annual 异丙醇Vision event is one 存 has participated in for many years where team members have been featured on panel discussions.


Nicsa is a not-for-profit trade association striving to connect all facets of the global asset management industry to develop, 分享, 实现, 推进领先实践. 为了实现这个目标, Nicsa helps firms meet the evolving needs of their clients through education programs, 互动论坛, 网络机会和计划.

Schwartz participates with Nicsa in their alternative investments space through the Nicsa Alternative Investments Committee, providing an 航 update as a standing agenda item. This committee involves general conversations around processing alternatives and there are industry topics that people suggest or ask for presentations to the committee.


在证券业和金融市场vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 AMG Alternative Investments Operations Forum brings the asset management community together to provide views on U.S. and global processing and to create best practices. 的 organization has a broad view of alternatives, 其中包括贷款和衍生品, and its members are industry firms that have combined assets under management that exceed $45 trillion.

和施瓦茨一起, 弗兰克·加夫, 存执行董事, 财富管理服务, has participated with SIFMAs AMG Alt Ops for the past six months to provide an overview of 存’s 航 services as well as focusing on a new alternative’s “framework”. 除了, they are collaborating to develop an upcoming whitepaper that will focus on the future of operations for alternative investments.

Defined Contribution for Alternatives Association (DCALTA)

DCALTA is a non-profit association that exists to advance the usage of alternative investments within a Defined Contribution framework. This association was created to help bridge the information gap through research, education and advocacy on how to effectively incorporate non-traditional investments into defined contribution plans.

贾斯汀•施瓦兹 and 弗兰克·加夫 joined DCALTA earlier this year to understand if 航 could help bring alternative investment processing support to defined contribution plans. alt技术 & Innovations committee’s goal is to apply appropriately designed modern technology to help eliminate the timing, liquidity and valuation process issues experienced in the alternative investment marketplace. alt技术 & Innovation committee also focuses on new technology, including distributed ledger technology (DLT) and application programming interfaces (APIs), which could be a new opportunity to 实现 next gen technology for alts processing. Justin also participates in the Implementation and Operations committee.

All of these partnerships have helped the 航 team gain a better understanding of clients’ needs and consistently contribute to the future of alternative investment processing.

“We are thrilled to be engaging in partnerships with organizations leading the advancement of alternatives,施瓦茨解释道. “Through these industry partnerships our team will continue learning, innovating and contributing to the evolution of the alternatives industry.”

To learn more about 航 or how to become more involved in alternatives partnerships, please email (电子邮件保护).

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